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AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM, WELCOME TO MY BLOG. This blog was a medium to me deliver a little bit of information and my personal view to you all. it is not aimed to split anyone or damage of anything. it's a sincere view from a youth that too eager see his religion and race successful.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


This some pictures of my sister's wedding. But the wedding ceremony in Johor laa coz in Sungkai my sis hire a photgrapher n i dont have the softcopy of the picture. So, to all my friends especially kila, asiah, kak cik and others that always ask me to see the picture, now you can see through my blog k. Tengoklah sampai muntah huhuhu~ [pinjam ayat kawan kak cik ;-)]

In the van, at tg. malim, we gossip together along the trip.

Just finish make up by kak andam, heheh

At 'rumah bertanggak'

Waiting for the rain to stop

my sis n brother-in-law

Zapin dance


Anonymous said...

mcm knl je ayat tu..huhuhu...aku tgk xmuntah pn byk2 lg..xpuas ar tgk..nk lg..nk lg =p

Anonymous said...

yg selebihnya ada dalam album laa k.cik. kat umh kakak kite.