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AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM, WELCOME TO MY BLOG. This blog was a medium to me deliver a little bit of information and my personal view to you all. it is not aimed to split anyone or damage of anything. it's a sincere view from a youth that too eager see his religion and race successful.

Monday, February 1, 2010

novice teacher always cry...

Assalamualaikum, sayu je tajuk post hahhaa... hurmmm setiap pekerjaan ade cabarannya. lebih2 kerja yg memerlukan interaksi sesame manusia. manusia makhluk yang banyak akal, hati dan perasaan. pekerjaan yang bermain dengan hati dan perasaan kadang - kadang perit nak harungi. as a teacher, i always pray for my student's success. And other teacher as my new friends i always hope we work as a team work and being my guidance. Pekerjaan sebagai guru bukanlah seperti bekerja dengan syarikat ala2 donald trump company that always compete each other and back stabing anywhere to prove whose the greater than other. Niat cikgu yg tulus ikhlas membawa kepada kejayaan pelajar dan keharmonian sekolah. Persaingan yang sihat perlu untuk memupuk budaya kerja yg efisien dan cekap. As a novice teacher, all things are new n need to learn more. help us. dont blame us. Dont forget that senior teacher also a novice teacher before. bukan terus2 jer 'hustler' mcm sekarang. hrmm... sekadar luahan perasaan yang tersimpan rapi sebelum ni. insya Allah akan di update blog ini lg akan datang. wassalam..

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